2025 Maimonides Moot Court Competition Registration Form (Moot Beit Din)

Organization Information

If you cannot find your organization, type in the name.
Organization Address

Your Information

Please be in touch with Yitzhak (bronstein@hadar.org) if your organization is interested in sending more than 4 teams or 16 total students. We will do our utmost to accommodate everyone, though we cannot guarantee space availability beyond 4 teams.

Payment Information

The cost per team to attend the Shabbaton is $1,800, which covers all programming costs, meals, and accommodations, excluding travel. If an organization sends multiple teams, each team following the first will pay a discounted rate of $1,600. 

The team fee assumes a team of 4 students and can be adjusted accordingly. Please reach out to Yitzhak Bronstein (bronstein@hadar.org) for questions about specific circumstances.

Registration fees are fully refundable for cancellations before November 1. Cancellations before December 20 will result in a 50% refund. No refunds can be guaranteed after December 20. 

Payment Information

Hadar does not store credit card information.
