הדר ופרדס

The State of Israel: Reflections on a Year of Struggle

3-part class series


Tuesdays | 20:00-21:30

10/9, 7th of Elul | 17/9, 14th of Elul | 24/9, 21st of Elul

Mechon Hadar, Emek Refaim 63 Jerusalem

Join us for a three-part series, reflecting on religious responses to the past year: 

10/9 with R. Avital Hochstein:

Do Moshe’s Hands Really Make War? Thoughts on the Conduct of Battle

Since October 7th, the word "Amalek" has often been invoked in regard to the Israel-Hamas War. Is that an appropriate analogy? By looking at ancient responses to biblical verses about Amalek, including those that express discomfort, we can learn these verses anew, revisit the foundational ideas that underlie the verses, and shed light on present realities.

17/9 with R. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy:

“Yamim Noraim” in an Apocalyptic World: Rosh HaShana, Tzom Gedaliah, and Hope

In today’s climate, it is easy to “doom scroll” through the news, and for that matter, through life. But before sinking into the abyss, let’s take a deep look at Tzom Gedaliah, the fast day that abuts Rosh HaShana. It will give us a new perspective on that neglected day, as well as the season in which it is carefully placed.

24/9 with R. Yitz Greenberg:

The Religious and Ethical Significance of Israel Today

Given the erosion of Israel's reputation and standing in the world, and the successful spreading of anti-Zionism, we will attempt to assess Israel's religious and ethical significance for Jewry and for humankind.

This series is part of Zman Elul at Mechon Hadar’s community beit midrash. For additional classes click here.

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